Let's get mathematical!
Content Warnings: memory loss, cults, murder, general horniness, mentions of animal abuse, mentions of polygamy, buildings burning, very brief mentions of suicide.
Up Next in Puppet History
The Straw Hat Riots (with Brennan Lee...
Hold onto your... well, you get it.
Content Warnings: mentions of 9/11, mentions of violence, mentions of the Professor's unmentionables, civil unrest/riots, gun violence, police brutality, drugging, and memory loss.
Shajar al-Durr: The Rise of Egypt's S...
Don’t tell France her husband’s dead!
Content Warnings: language, puppet violence, human violence, slavery, sex work, murder, colonialism, arranged marriage, graphic descriptions of a dead body, memory loss as a result of drug use
Lisztomania! (with Reece Feldman)
Learn about a sexy man, why not.
Content Warnings: language, infidelity, parental estrangement, child abandonment, memory loss as a result of drug use, murder