Too Many Spirits

Too Many Spirits

9 Seasons

Ryan & Shane read audience-submitted spooky stories while "enjoying" drinks prepared by rookie bartender Steven. With each season shot in a single night, who knows what will happen by the end.

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Too Many Spirits
  • Ryan and Shane Get Drunk and Haunted from Around the World

    Episode 1

    Curious travelers Shane Madej & Ryan Bergara will read your submitted spooky travel themed stories from around the world, and get boozy with a special Mexico themed cocktail made by Bartender-Pilot Steven Lim & Ricky Wang.

  • Ryan and Shane Get More Drunk and Haunted from Around the World

    Episode 2

    Thirsty travelers Shane Madej & Ryan Bergara will read your spooky travel themed stories from around the world, and drink a Hawaian themed cocktail made by Bartender-Pilot Steven Lim and Ricky Wang.

  • Ryan and Shane Get Even More Drunk and Haunted from Around the World

    Episode 3

    Drunk travelers Shane Madej & Ryan Bergara will read your spooky travel themed stories from around the world, and drink a South East Asian themed cocktail made by chaotic Pilot-Bartenders Steven Lim & Ricky Wang.

  • Ryan & Shane Get the Drunkest & Most Haunted from Around the World

    Episode 4

    Drunk travelers Shane Madej & Ryan Bergara tries to read your spooky travel themed stories from around the world, and drink a United Kingdom themed cocktail made by Pilot-Bartenders Steven Lim & Ricky Wang aka Sticky’s Airlines. But one story breaks them… The legendary Meatball story.